Resultados: 2

Nursing Theory Makes a Practice Turn in the 21st Century

Aquichan; 21 (4), 2021
The author assumes that practice became prominent in nursing theory in the first two decades of the 21st century. The end of the last century saw a burgeoning of literature on what is known as grand theories, their implementation, and evaluation. The era of healthcare quality research began when the Inst...

Encerrado a oscuras: significado de vivir con esquizofrenia para diagnosticados y sus cuidadores, Medellín-Colombia

Aquichan; 17 (3), 2017
RESUMEN Vivir con esquizofrenia representa un enigma para todas aquellas personas que no presentan la enfermedad o conviven con alguien que la padece. Objetivo: comprender el significado de vivir con esquizofrenia para personas que presentan la enfermedad y sus familiares, quienes acudieron a una insti...